Monday, December 18, 2017

Checkpoint 2

Image result for center for security policyImage result for veterans for peace

Hello all, I am back for my 2nd checkpoint blog post. Today's post is about interest groups as a linkage institution and how they can differ. I chose to compare/contrast Veterans for Peace and Center for Security Policy on their stance about the military. The fist Interest Group, Veterans for Peace, is a very liberal interest group that wants to cut government spending and use it for other things such as education or healthcare. From what I've read, they have yet to accomplish anything but getting people to go to anti-military rallies.The article from them that I chose to use is ‘De-certifying’ the Iran Deal May Be Trump’s Most Reckless Decision Yet which is saying that trump is being reckless with his decisions. They are trying to tell people that Trump is going to start a new war because of his actions. This article directly relates to their purpose of stopping military funding. This article is biased because it is very anti-military because it outright says that we should stay away from war because it is only detrimental to us. On the other hand, the article I chose for Center for Security Policy is U.S. Strikes Kill Dozens at IS Training Camps. This article is about the recent bombings of Isis camps. This is an article that relates a lot to the purpose of the Center for Security Policy because it is glorifying military actions, in turn gaining more funds for themselves and the military. This article is also semi-biased because it is pro-military. Comparing the two groups, they are polar opposites, one wants the military to stop being funded and the other  wants more military funding. They don't seem to share any similar attributes besides both being focused on the military. The articles differ greatly because on is ridiculing the military and one is glorifying it. Thanks for reading.

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